Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Video - Randori - Tuesday's Group K3

Deux petites vidéos des combats libres du 1er groupe du mardi
Two judo free fight videos of the 1st group

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trystan - James - Henry dans l'action

Ils se battent comme des bons petits diables pour mettre en désiquilibre leur partenaire.

They fight hard to put their partner off balance.

Combat de Vincent - His fight.

Le premier combat de Vincent.

Vincent's first fight.

(Video - Courtesy of Céline Cabrera Menique)

Cedric est prêt à gagner - He is getting ready to win

Cedric a une âme de gagnant et est très concentré.

Cedric has a winning mind and he is very focused.

(Video - Courtesy of Céline Cabrera Menique)

Sara en pleine action

La partenaire de Sara est une femme aveugle. Tout au feeling - Incroyable. Visionnez ce petit film.

Sara's opponent is blind - amazing - check this little movie

Les judokas - the athletes

Cedric, Sara, James, Sandrine, Benoît, Pierre and Antonio.

Vincent reçoit les conseils de l'entraîneur - First advise after his first match

Vincent reçoit ses premiers conseils après son premier match de sa carrière de judoka.

Vincent is receiving his first advise after his first match.

(photo courtesy of the Cabrera-Menique Family)

On S'alligne avant l'hymne national - Line up before then anthem

Cedric s'assure que sa ceinture est bien faite.
Pierre le français se demande ce que la dame chante. Il s'attendait à la marseillaise.

Cedric is making sure that his belt is well tightened.
Pierre the French dude is wondering what does the kady sing - He was expecting the Marseillaise.

(photo courtesy of the Cabrera-Menique Family)

Friday, May 16, 2008

L'équipe de Judo d'Ortega - The Judo team - BRAVO

La classe du vendredi - une petite vingtaine s'entraînent pendant 2 heures.

The Friday's class - a group of twenty players practice for 2 solid hours.

Un petit film sur la remise des ceintures - a little movie about the belt promotion

Mettons la nouvelle ceinture - Put the new belt

Rei après avoir mis sa nouvelle ceinture

Rei after putting his/her new belt

Remise des ceintures Belt promotion

Remise des ceintures - Belt promotion

The Friday's class has its belt promotion - 19 of them were up for a new belt. Their constant effort, their willingness to improve themselves is paying off.

Congratulation to all of them.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kevin s'est tapé la tête - He hit the mat hard.

Kevin is recovering from a hard fall and refreshing his head.

D'autres médaillés - more medals

Les récompenses - The medals

They are all happy - smiling and will come back on the fall for the next City College Tournament.

Cedric - Julien want to win

Cedric is trying to Osoto Gari - Julien is getting ready for a forward throw.
(photos - courtesy of Xavier Oustalniol & Terrence Hall)
Julien and Nikita are discussing strategy for the next fight
(photo - courtesy of Xavier Oustalniol)
The tournament is about to start
The National Anthem is sung
Kids are ready to fight.

Echauffement - Warm up - City College

Alix - sensei's assistant is encouraging the Judoka to warm up properly - before the tournament starts

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mettre en application - put into practice

It is time now to put into practice what has been shown by the sensei.

Stage - Clinic at City College on May 3, 2008

With Sensei Tony Mojica and William Desmole - a clinic was conducted where different topics were discussed - Conditioning - Standing and mat technique.
We had a dozen kids from the La Pérouse Judo Club who attended.
As this picture shows - they were very focused.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Randori - Une petite vidéo - A small video

Le Randori - on peut l'expliquer de la manière suivante à savoir la pratique libre, mettre en application ce que l'on appris pendant le cours sans attacher d'importance aux résulats.
The Randori - can be explained as follow - a free practice where players try to apply all new techniques that they may have learnt during the class without paying attention to the results.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

La classe du 3ième trimestre au campus de corte madera

Nous avons 35 judokas sur le campus de Corte Madera pour ce 3ième trimestre. Je souhaite la bienvenue à tous les nouveaux venus à qui nous allons faire découvrir le judo (la voix de la souplesse).

We have 35 judokas at the Corte Madera campus for the 3rd school quarter. I wish a warm welcome to all new judokas to whom we will introduce them to judo (the gentle way).

Judo Schedule

    Sunday June 3rd, 2012 - Santa Clara Tournament.